Introdcution to Evolution
Self Evaluation Test

Choose the best answer by selecting one of the buttons.
When you choose an answer you will get a "pop-up" response indicating whether you got it right or wrong. You are encouraged to correct your wrong answer(s) by choosing again.
At the end of the exam you can submit your answers for a final grading. If you have corrected all your earlier errors (by rechoosing a correct answer when you were told you are wrong), you will get a perfect score.
Important note : on some browsers (like some Internet Explorers) when you use the page down button to scroll down you will end up shifting your checked answer to the next one down the line! If that happens to you, use your mouse to scroll - not the keyboard.

1. A Scientific hypothesis must be ...

published in a reputable journal.
proven correct by many tests.

2. Darwin's theory of Natural Selection focuses attention on ...

restrictions on how big a population can grow.
variations within the population caused by genetics.
both of the above.
none of the above.

3. English Peppered Moths evolved different colourings in response to ...

predation by bats.
a change in their environment.
introduction of a new predator.

4. A Ring Species is ...

a group of gulls.
a group of unrelated species sharing homologous similarities.
a group of unrelated species sharing analogous similaritites.
a group of related species forming a ring around a geographical barrier (indicating a pattern and cause for the speciation).

5. The variety of limbs seen amongst mammals are examples of ...

parallel structures.
homolgous structures.
analogous structures.
fossil structures.

6. Your eyes have a blind spot because ...

you were not designed well (or designed at all!).
all mammals have blind spots and you inherited the error (like all other mammals).
both the above reasons are correct.
nobody's perfect!

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